We provided the packaging design for a probiotic supplement manufactured by ParsiLact called AfterBiotics. Our design services included a custom tuck-end box, sachets, and bilingual labeling in English and Persian.
The probiotic supplement contains 7 sachets, each with 2 grams of probiotics. The product aims to reduce side effects from antibiotic use, boost the immune system, and prevent diarrhea. We created a packaging design that would attract consumers and properly contain and protect the product.
Probiotic Supplement Packaging Design
Our supplement packaging design features a purple background color with a photograph of a happy family, aiming to convey the product benefits in an appealing yet informative way. We utilized simple, easy-to-read typography and minimal graphics on the box and sachet labeling to clearly communicate important supplement facts and dosage instructions.
Structural design was an integral part of the project. We specified the box dimensions, flap placement and folding sequence to ensure the box would assemble correctly and securely hold the sachets. The sachet design underwent several iterations to optimize the shape, material thickness and labeling for maximum visibility, stability and ease of use.
Mockups and prototypes helped refine the design before finalizing the supplement packaging. The custom box and sachet design aim to differentiate AfterBiotics in the probiotic supplement market while meeting all regulatory requirements for supplement labeling.
At Packsho Design, we provide comprehensive packaging design services for supplements, cosmetics and food products. Our team of designers and engineers work closely with clients to understand their brand, target market and product needs. We then create custom packaging designs that optimize the user and retail experience while meeting clients’ budget and time constraints.
Structural design, mockups and label design are all part of our packaging design process.
We hope the new AfterBiotics packaging will help boost sales and communicate the product’s benefits to consumers. Please let us know if you have any questions or would like to discuss potential revisions to the design. We appreciate the opportunity to work with ParsiLact and look forward to creating more impactful supplement packaging designs in the future.
Overall, our custom supplement packaging design aimed to communicate the product’s functional and emotional benefits through a visually appealing and structurally sound design that would stand out on shelf. The design process involved close collaboration with the client to understand their brand and target market while incorporating design elements that would resonate with consumers.
We believe our probiotic supplement packaging design successfully showcases ParsiLact’s AfterBiotics product through custom box, label, and sachet design that leverages structural design, mockups, and right-to-left considerations to create an effective and memorable packaging solution.