Lotus Syrup Packaging Design

The design project for Lotus Syrup, an herbal cough remedy, involved creating a tuck-end box that effectively conveys the product’s benefits. With a light pink background and a schematic throat design indicating the area of effect, the packaging captures the soothing and healing properties of the syrup. The bottle label design complements the box, ensuring a cohesive visual identity. This 120ml herbal medicine, used for treating cough, pneumonia, and pleurisy, benefits from the creative touch of Packsho Graphics, which excels in creating visually appealing and informative packaging solutions.


The project focused on designing the packaging for the herbal medicine “Lotus Syrup,” a cough syrup made from lotus flower by KimiDaru Pharmaceuticals. The primary goal was to create packaging that is both visually appealing and informative for consumers. The tuck-end boxes feature a light pink background and a schematic throat design to indicate the area of effectiveness. This syrup is intended for treating cough, pneumonia, and pleurisy and is available in 120ml bottles. The design also included creating a complementary label for the syrup bottle.

Packaging Design for Lotus Syrup

The design of the Lotus Syrup herbal medicine box features a light pink background with a schematic throat design, creating a gentle and attractive look that visually highlights the positive effects of the syrup on the throat. The use of soft colors and simple designs makes it easily recognizable and draws the attention of consumers. The light pink color not only adds to the visual appeal but also conveys a sense of calm and relief, aligning with the therapeutic properties of the product.

Box Design Details

The schematic throat design on the Lotus Syrup box clearly illustrates the area affected by the syrup, providing consumers with precise information about the drug’s application. This design establishes a strong visual connection with the product, ensuring that consumers understand its purpose and use. Additionally, the throat schematic design enhances the product’s visual appeal and helps communicate its benefits effectively.

Lotus Syrup Bottle Label Design

The label design for the Lotus Syrup bottle is coordinated with the box design, utilizing the same base design to maintain a consistent visual identity. This coherence in design strengthens the product’s brand identity and makes it easier for consumers to recognize the product. The bottle label includes detailed information about the indications for Lotus Syrup, such as treating cough, pneumonia, and pleurisy. The typography and layout are chosen to ensure high readability and easy access to information, making it user-friendly for consumers.

Custom Packaging Design Services

Packsho Graphics showcased its creativity in the design of the Lotus Syrup herbal medicine box. The use of a light pink background and schematic throat design demonstrates attention to detail and creates a strong visual connection with the product. This design not only serves as a protective container for the syrup but also acts as a marketing tool to attract potential customers.

By using soft colors and schematic designs, the team at Packsho Graphics has successfully reinforced the product’s visual identity and distinguished it in the market. This design not only enhances visual appeal but also provides sufficient and useful information to consumers, helping them understand the product’s use and benefits.


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