Packaging Design for Oil and Vinegar Set

At Packsho Graphics, we specialize in creating innovative and functional packaging solutions that enhance the product experience while ensuring safety during transport. In our latest project, we designed the packaging for a set of oil and vinegar bottles available in two sizes. This project required us to combine aesthetic appeal with structural design to ensure the bottles are well-protected and presented beautifully.

Functional and Aesthetic Design

The packaging for the oil and vinegar set is a tuck-end box, a popular choice for both practicality and ease of use. The box’s design includes an insert that separates the two bottles, ensuring they do not touch each other during transport or handling. This feature not only safeguards the bottles but also provides a smooth unboxing experience for the customer.

The design of the box follows a color-coded system based on the size of the set:

  • The small set uses an eye-catching orange color for the packaging design, creating a fresh and vibrant look.
  • The large set features a luxurious burgundy color, giving it a premium feel.

Each size has been carefully crafted to reflect the quality and usability of the product inside, while the insert ensures that the bottles remain securely in place during transport.

Custom Inserts for Protection

The custom insert inside the box plays a vital role in the design. It is tailored to hold both bottles snugly without allowing them to come into contact with one another, reducing the risk of breakage. This insert fits seamlessly into the tuck-end structure, ensuring that it remains easy to assemble and secure.

The bottles of oil and vinegar in each set are identical in size, and the insert is designed to cradle them perfectly. The packaging also uses sturdy materials to ensure durability while maintaining a sleek, professional appearance.

Focus on Brand and Customer Experience

At Packsho Graphics, we always keep the brand and customer experience in mind during the design process. For this project, the color palette was selected to align with the brand’s identity, ensuring the packaging communicates both quality and visual appeal. The bright orange for the small set and deep burgundy for the large set create a cohesive brand image while distinguishing between the different sizes of the product.

The design of the packaging is also aimed at enhancing the customer’s unboxing experience. The insert not only ensures the safety of the bottles but also allows for a neat, organized presentation when the box is opened. Customers can easily remove each bottle, and the sturdy construction of the packaging reflects the premium quality of the product itself.

Combining Durability and Elegance

Durability is key when designing homeware packaging, particularly for glass bottles like this oil and vinegar set. The tuck-end box structure provides the necessary strength to protect the bottles during shipping and storage, while the insert adds another layer of security. Meanwhile, the carefully chosen colors and simple, elegant design ensure that the packaging looks as good as it functions.

Overall, this packaging solution not only meets the functional requirements of protecting fragile items but also reinforces the product’s high-quality positioning in the market.


At Packsho Graphics, we strive to create kitchenware packaging that balances function and beauty. This project, featuring a tuck-end box with an insert for a two-bottle oil and vinegar set, exemplifies our commitment to quality design. By utilizing distinct color schemes for different product sizes and incorporating protective inserts, we have developed packaging that elevates both the product and the customer experience.


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